Whether you are a beginner or a Pilates pro, there are a few things to know that you should always come to the mat with. At Sheppard Method Pilates in Westwood, we want you to succeed and know Pilates can act as the foundation of optimal health. A mind-body connection is vital in Pilates, which is why we put together these 6 tips that will help you progress in your Pilates practice and reaching in your overall wellness goals.

Contact the Westwood Pilates instructors at Sheppard Method Pilates to discuss how we can help you get started. Schedule your first class now!

Five Tips for Success in Pilates

1.     Always Bring the Breath

There is a reason Pilates instructors are so obsessed with your breath! Breathwork in Pilates is key to finding that mind and body connection as you practice with intention. Your conscious breath also has an important role in executing each movement. When we exhale on exertion, our abdominal muscles contract, helping to lengthen and decompress the spine and activate the deep core muscles. Breathwork takes practice, so be sure to listen to your Pilate instructor’s guidance and bring that conscious breath to every practice.

2.     Find Balanced Alignment in Your Body

Completing Pilates movements safely and effectively is dependent on the balanced alignment of your body. If we are performing exercises while our bodies are misaligned, we could borrow from other muscle groups than intended, causing discomfort, the limited ability to execute the movements or even potential injury.

To create uniform strength, stability, and flexibility, you must ensure you find balanced alignment, and your Pilates instructor will always make sure you are performing the movements properly. That is why modifications and certain equipment are designed to assist you in your Pilates journey and meet you wherever you’re at. Alignment is more important than forcing your body to execute an advanced movement before your body is ready. Unlike high-impact exercises where you are encouraged to push your body past the point of failure to build muscle or speed, it is important that you do not overextend yourself in Pilates—pain is NOT gain.

3.     Activate Your Deep Core

Every Pilates practice is meant to be a whole-body workout that engages your core the entire time. However, the “core” is often only known as the superficial abdominal muscles we’ve been conditioned to try and sculpt with ab-targeted crunches. However, the deep core is what we need to strengthen. In Pilates, we focus on just that.

It is vital you are focusing on activating those deep transverse abdominal muscles throughout your movements, aligning your hips, pelvis, and posterior chain as necessary. When your inner core is weak, your body will borrow from other parts of your body to stabilize, such as the hip flexors, lower back, and gluteus minimus (your outer hips)—which can result in strain and injury. In order to have a strong deep core, you must strengthen all parts of the inner core and connecting muscle groups:

Multifidus: the innermost layer of muscle in your back that stabilizes the lumbar spine

Transverse Abdominis (TA): known as “the corset,” it’s the deepest muscle of your core, extending between the ribs and pelvis that wraps around your entire trunk.

Pelvic Floor: the base of your core muscle group necessary to support the spine and control pressure inside the deep abdomen.

Diaphragm: a key component to overall core stability that contributes to mobility, lung capacity, pelvic floor activation, and core and spine stability.

Glutes: the largest muscles of your hips, the glutes connect your lower body to the lower spine. Strong glutes are necessary to stabilize the hips and core.

4.     Slow it Down

Perhaps the most important thing to remember in Pilates is to stay present and persistent. While some days will challenge you to break a sweat, others will focus on flexibility and breathwork. Pilates is not a quick fix, but an entire lifestyle that calls on you to break previous exercise habits, look inward, and work towards a life of health and wellness. So slow down, breathe, and stick with it!

5.     Choose the Right Pilates Classes for You in West Los Angeles

One of the advantages of Pilates is the ability to access each practice uniquely and give you and your body exactly what it needs. The ability to modify Pilates movements means meeting you where you’re at, and always finding the appropriate challenge to rehabilitate, build strength, and improve your health regardless of experience or ability. From classic mat Pilates, to Reformer classes, and the option to integrate the use of Pilates tools, there is a form of Pilates for you. Every day is different, and it is important to align your needs properly each and every time you practice.

Start on the Right Foot with Sheppard Method Pilates

At Sheppard Method Pilates in Westwood, we offer a variety of classes, guaranteeing everyone and anyone the Pilates practice they need. In order to get the most out of your Pilates practice, you want to be sure you are honoring your body and choosing the right class and approach each and every time.

Call the Westwood Pilates instructors at Sheppard Method Pilates to discuss how we can help you include Pilates in your exercise regimen and boost your overall health!