Maintaining a Balanced Body: Easy Exercises for your Car

Getting stuck in traffic is always frustrating. It is even worse when you are already on a time crunch and do not have time to make it to a Pilates studio. Instead of being frustrated in traffic, spend some time and energy inserting a little bit of movement into your day. If you find yourself needing to multitask to get a workout in, try these moves while stopped in traffic to save time and maintain a balanced body!

Glutes and Abdominals

While keeping your hands on the wheel engage your glutes and abdomen and slowly lift your legs off the chair by flexing your glutes. At the same time engage your abdomen while keeping your shoulders back to the chair. Maintain this engagement for 10 seconds at a time while making sure to maintain a normal breathing pattern. This not only helps to keep your core strong – but also helps to improve posture and maintain a balanced body!

Biceps and Forearms

While gripping the steering wheel at the 3 and 9 positions squeeze your steering wheel and pull your upper body towards the steering wheel with your biceps. Continue squeezing for 10-second increments. While maintaining a balanced body engage your back and core while pulling towards the steering wheel to increase resistance. As always, make sure you are at a stop before trying these moves. This can help to increase muscle stamina in your arms as well as work your core.

Thighs and Calves

This one is a little more difficult to pull off while in a car but is certainly still possible when you are stopped. Squeeze together and engage your thighs for 10-second increments. If you are parked or a passenger lift both feet off the ground and flex your abdominals while maintaining your posture and breathing.

Stretches are Key to a Balanced Body

Maintaining flexibility can be as important as muscle strength to a balanced body, but is oftentimes overlooked. Start by straightening your arms and pulling your hands back at a vertical 90-degree angle to get some forearm and hand stretches. Loosen and strengthen your neck muscles by slowly rotating your chin from shoulder to shoulder. Slowly lift and roll your pelvis forward to create an arch in your back and get some good core stretching in. Do scapular retraction by squeezing your shoulder blades together and holding for 5 to 10 seconds. These stretches and body movements help to keep you limber and healthy.

Visit Us at the Sheppard Method Pilates Studio

Staying healthy is a lifetime process and incorporating movement into your day goes a long way to maintaining a balanced body. Of course, nothing can completely replace a full body workout, so make sure to find time to come visit our Pilates studio to get personalized instruction in Sheppard Method Pilates. We offer both private Pilates sessions or group classes. Contact us for any questions you have.