Transform Your Life with Sheppard Method Pilates
evaluation of your fitness & goals
55-minute private, one-on-one sessions with an expert instructor
a customized Pilates plan for just $250!
Our thoughts, perspectives, and awareness affect our lives and our physical and emotional well-being. Sheppard Method Pilates uses Pilates to transform our physical fitness, expand our capabilities, remove our perceived limitations, and heal our hearts. An approach that has changed the lives of thousands - Sheppard Method Pilates will empower you to create your own personal revolution.
The experienced Pilates instructors at Sheppard Method Pilates understand that some of our students may deal with chronic pain, injuries, and other physical limitations. These issues should not stop you from enjoying the benefits of Pilates, rather, Pilates can help with chronic back pain and injury recovery.
We offer Pilates Rehab for Chronic Back Pain classes so our students may experience reduced pain, increased flexibility, and improved core strength to support their spine. These rehabilitative Pilates classes can change how our students cope with chronic pain, to improve their overall health.
For more information on available rehab Pilates classes, call Sheppard Method Pilates in Westwood
What is Pilates for Rehabilitation?
Pilates for rehabilitation describes practicing Pilates with the intent of strengthening and reducing pain in the weak areas of the body while improving balance and improving or restoring function. Rehabilitative Pilates for back pain teaches students to avoid movements that put unnecessary pressure on the spine, help increase mobility and flexibility, and reduce tension. As a form of rehabilitation for chronic back pain, Pilates helps patients move efficiently and reduce the strain and inflammation in the spine.

How Can Pilates Rehab Help with My Chronic Back Pain?
Pilates strengthens core muscles, improves flexibility and fluidity, and increases body awareness. The principles of Pilates (concentration, control, centering, breath, flow, and precision) create effective movements that are stable, graceful, and specific enough to prevent further injury. These principles create the perfect targeted movement practice for students who suffer from back pain, as it is an issue that requires constant concentration and control to manage.
Pilates rehab targets the issues that exist with chronic back pain sufferers in several ways:
- Core strengthening helps to support the spine, protect the delicate spinal column, and create control during movements. A strong core takes the strain off the spine and reduces reliance and strain on the back muscles.
- Increasing flexibility and mobility in the back, neck, glutes, and hamstrings release tension along the spine and can decrease pain. Muscle flexibility means that the muscles are not pulled tight, allowing them to be relaxed in the areas that are often tight around the spine. Because all our muscles are connected, relaxed, flexible hamstrings and glutes help create flexibility in the back!
- Improving body awareness helps address the habits and postures that can cause chronic back pain. It is not uncommon for back pain sufferers to sit, stand, and even sleep in ways to reduce or minimize pain, but that will inadvertently weaken some of their core muscles. With increased body awareness, students can relearn how to move and prevent pain in sustainable, healthy ways.
Considerations for Chronic Back Pain Sufferers
Before starting rehab Pilates for your chronic back pain, consult with your doctor, discussing what movements you have to avoid, and which are suggested for your specific condition.
Once you are cleared to practice rehabilitative Pilates, the Sheppard Method Pilates Rehab for Chronic Back Pain class is a great start, as it is geared toward students who suffer from chronic pain and is taught by our certified rehabilitative Pilates instructor(s). Let your instructor know the limitations set forth by your physician, and the specifics of your injury or chronic pain issue so that we can consider those when teaching Pilates movements during your class.
For students with chronic back pain, certain movements may need to be avoided during your Pilates classes, specifically those that put strain on your intervertebral discs. Our Pilates Rehab class is taught with these restrictions in mind.
Rehab Pilates for Chronic Back Pain at Sheppard Method Pilates
Choose the experts at Sheppard Method Pilates for your Pilates Rehab for Chronic Back Pain classes. Our team cares about your health, and we will help you get the most benefits out of your Pilates practice while protecting injured areas of the body and spine. Let us help you feel your best!