Pilates for Weight Loss

Pilates is traditionally a low-impact form of strength and resistance training that focuses on small movements to build muscle with a specific focus on the core. Pilates also incorporates stretching and breathwork to lengthen and tone muscles and promote overall wellness. Though Pilates can also be considered cardioexercise when using hybrid approaches, it is not generally considered an aerobic exercise.

That said, Pilates has been proven to assist in weight loss through its overall effectiveness known as the “Pilates effect.” Pilates has the ability to raise one’s overall basal metabolic rate, encourage better posture and daily breathing habits, as well as help to build lean, toned muscle to work in tandem with other lifestyle choices that can assist with losing weight. At Sheppard Method Pilates, we are here to help build an exercise and wellness routine to help you succeed in your weight loss goals and wellness journey!

Want to learn more about how Pilates can help you accomplish your weight loss goals? Contact Sheppard Method Pilates to get started!

How Does Pilates Work to Help Lose Weight?

While Pilates may not be a high-intensity workout that burns tons of calories a session (though it can be; more on that later), studies have found Pilates to effectively reduce body fat, as well as body weight depending on the body composition of the individual. This is through Pilates’ multifaceted approach to overall health and wellness, and how Pilates literally changes your body composition and BMR, with or without actual weight loss.

Known as body recomposition, this process achieved by Pilates helps to build lean muscle mass, regulate breathing and hormones, and raise the basal metabolic rate (BMR). All of this combined helps you to burn more calories throughout the day during static rest (and even sleep!). This works because the more lean muscle tissue that you have, the more calories required to maintain it, giving way to more calories burned throughout the day. Through consistent resistance training and muscle strengthening of Pilates, weight loss can be achieved, even without a dramatic caloric deficiency.

Overall, Pilates helps to achieve weight loss and body recomposition by:

  • Reducing stress hormones
  • Strengthening the deep core and pelvic floor
  • Encouraging proper posture
  • Lengthening and strengthening muscles
  • Improving visible, lean muscle tone
  • Increasing flexibility and mobility
  • Initiating the “Pilates effect” and radiant glow from the inside out

What Is the Pilates Effect?

As we’ve established, Pilates works to change the body by encouraging long, lean muscles and supporting a healthy posture. Like any form of strength training, this may not equate to diminished numbers on the scale due to muscle building. However, the “Pilates effect” appears as if weight loss has occurred, due to the noticeable, radiating health of those that practice Pilates.

Weight Loss and Pilates

Weight loss is typically achieved through a caloric deficient measured on a daily and weekly basis. Because Pilates does not generally burn enough calories to accomplish this on its own, you will need accurate expectations in how Pilates can help with weight loss. Low-impact exercise like Pilates does help with water retention, inflammation, bloating, hormonal regulation, and other factors that contribute to an inflated number on the scale.

It is also important to note that depending on your body composition, measurable weight loss may not be necessary to notice improved results with a fitness routine. This is because muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue; if you do not have an excess of fat tissue, and begin strength training, you may not see the numbers on the scale drop. This is why some people are able to lose weight with Pilates, and others may not. You could, however, notice a loss in overall inches, as well as significant increase in muscle tone.

Pilates for Losing Weight

There are specific, targeted Pilates approaches that can increase caloric burn and promote the other benefits of Pilates that aid in weight loss and overall fitness. Types of Pilates to help with weight loss include:

  • Hybrid mat Pilates that work in cardio and HIIT exercise
  • Reformer Pilates for extra challenging workouts
  • Hot Pilates that works like hot yoga to encourage detoxification and increased metabolism
  • Cadillac Pilates for enhanced and additional resistance movements

In addition to the various classes offered, Sheppard Method Pilates also offers private studio and in-home classes to meet your individual needs. Our renowned Pilates instructors can help you stay on track with your overall health, wellness, and weight loss goals!

Call the Pilates instructors at Sheppard Method Pilates to sign up for Pilates classes, today.